Vilnius Alibi. Baltic Sea Crime Fiction Days. 09-12 11 2005
Part 5
The fingerprint results on the Makarov are delayed because the equipment in Vilnius is malfunctioning and they have to take the prints to Kaunas. The results from Klaipėda are faster: no match to Juozas Račkaitis. If the killer stole the Makarov from Juozas, the prints of the owner were probably wiped off. Juozas Račkaitis should identify the weapon. Pocienė and Janutėnas decide to ask him to come to Vilnius for this, but Juozas Račkaitis cannot be reached.
Janutėnas watches a basketball game between Kaunas and Vilnius on television. “Lietuvos vakaras” of Vilnius is now playing without “the Duke”, and not doing so well.
Suddenly Janutėnas drops his beer glass. He calls the Pocienė and asks her to immediately pick up the coach, Jonas Ambrazaitis, for questioning, even if it means that he has to leave the game. He also asks to inquire whether Paulius and Juozas Račkaitis are still in the country, and if so, are they booked on outgoing flights. Then he calls Lithuanian Television and orders them to bring a copy of the “Lietuvos vakaras” game in Tel Aviv, the last game where Paulius played. The he rushes to the police station himself.
Ambrazaitis is frightened and angry in the interrogation room. Janutėnas says nothing but plays the tape with the Tel Aviv game. “Lietuvos vakaras” has a hard time in the first quarter. Račkaitis scores only 4 points. Then he leaves the field and does not return to the game. He has a short discussion with Ambrazaitis. Janutėnas asks what the discussion was about. Ambrazaitis says that Račkaitis said that the jaw hurts, and that the painkillers don’t help.
Janutėnas asks whether this was characteristic of Račkaitis, to leave a game because of physical pain. Ambrazaitis has not thought of that. He admits that it is a bit strange. Ambrazaitis is kept at the police station.
Pocienė receives information that Paulius and Juozas Račkaitis are on their way to Palanga airport to catch a plane to Valencia via Copenhagen. Janutėnas says to stop the plane, but Pocienė says that this cannot be done without a court order. Janutėnas then orders Vilma Gedvilaitė, Kęstas Gedvilas and Rūta Astrauskaitė to be brought in for questioning. An hour later information is received that Kęstas is brought in but Vilma and Rūta are missing.
They finally get the fingerprint results on the Makarov. The gun bears the prints of Kęstas Gedvilas.
(To be continued on  November 7)
Part 1
Rūta Astrauskaitė, a 25-year old medical assistant working for the Danish-owned pharmaceutical company “Danvaistas...
Part 2
As the body is examined, a matchbox with the name of the nightclub “Red Square”, situated in Oslo, is found in the pocket of the dead man...
Part 3
The technical examination of the body is completed. It becomes evident that the victim was killed on the construction site of the Palace, the body was found at 21.45...
Part 4
Pocienė and Janutėnas go over the facts of the case. The strongest hypothesis seems to be that the murder has something to do with Saulius.
Part 5
If the killer stole the Makarov from Juozas, the prints of the owner were probably wiped off. Juozas Račkaitis should identify the weapon...
Part 6
Jonas Ambrazaitis and Kęstas Gedvilas are being held at the police station. Paulius and Juozas Račkaitis are flown by helicopter from Klaipėda...
The body in the palace is that of Paulius Račkaitis, not Saulius Račkaitis. Vilma Gedvilaitė kills Paulius for revenge.